Tag Archives: #creditorsattorney

Objectives of Filing an Objection to a Proposed Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan

As a creditor’s attorney, filing an objection to a debtor’s proposed Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan before confirmation is a crucial step to protecting the creditor’s rights and ensuring compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. The primary objectives of filing such an objection include: 1. Ensuring Compliance with the Bankruptcy CodeOne of the main reasons for objecting […]

Maximizing Creditor Benefits: The Strategic Advantages of Filing a Motion to Lift Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy Cases

In the realm of bankruptcy proceedings, creditors often find themselves navigating a complex landscape of legal and financial considerations. One powerful tool at a creditor’s disposal is the option to file a motion to lift the automatic stay. This legal action, though sometimes viewed as aggressive, can yield significant benefits for creditors seeking to protect […]